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St James's Weekly Challenges

Each week we will add new daily challenges to help prepare you for secondary school, develop self confidence, build your subject knowledge, keep active and get to know more about St James's.

If you'd like to share examples of completing these activities or let us know how you got on, then please do via Admissions2020@st-james.bolton.sch.uk. We ask that this please comes from the parent/carers email that is registered with school.*** 

Week 1 - w/cm 29th June

Week 2 - w/cm 6th July

Week 3 - w/cm 13th July

Week 4 - w/cm 20th July

Summer Activities

Summer Science Competition - Instructions and Postcard(Printable)
- unfortunately we cannot add an editable version to our website

English Summer Project - Caring for Others


***we will only share with your consent and if the relevant permissions have been returned. All surnames will be removed.

  • TTLP