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Career Video of the Week

Week beginning 23rd March




Week beginning 25th January

This week’s term is - Interview

A formal meeting of people (usually face to face) to discuss, for example, whether a person is suitable for a job role or college course and whether the job/course is suitable for that person.

At the moment, Year 11s are involved in interviews for college courses for next year and they are very different to our usual understanding of an interview. Some colleges are interviewing using Zoom or TEAMS and others are conducting telephone interviews.

Either way, the interviews are just a way to get to know a little more about you, find out what your interests are and why you want to attend that particular college.  You will be nervous, but they will try to put you at your ease as they will always want to get the best from you.

Make sure you have questions for them too – it’s a two-way thing!

Check out the school website for more information and tips on interviews (Curriculum - Careers – Students)


Week beginning 19th January

Hope you are all well and staying safe.

This week’s key term is STEM CAREERS.  – a career in SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING or MATHS. 

I’ve attached a pdf with some examples and further details.  There’s also an opportunity to join a Q&A session with astronaut Major Tim Peake this Thursday 5-6pm if you follow this link and register.  For safeguarding reasons, a parent of carer needs to register on your behalf.  Let me know how it goes if you decide to look in.


Take care

Mrs Bleasdale


Week beginning 12th January

Hello everyone and welcome to the new home of Career Key Term of the week.

This week it is:

VOLUNTARY WORK - Unpaid work carried out willingly by someone either to help a not-for-profit organisation or to gain experience in a particular work environment.

Many Year 11s are finalising their CVs for Mock Interviews or in preparation for applying to college or for an apprenticeship.  It is good to be able to add volunteering experience on there to show that you like to get involved in activities and show initiative – great qualities to have.

Have you ever done any volunteering?  If so, please share examples with me via email.  You can also check out the information on volunteering on the school website here: https://www.st-james.bolton.sch.uk/Volunteering-Enrichment/

Stay safe everyone.

Mrs Bleasdale


Week beginning 4th January

Happy New Year everyone!

For a new year, a (relatively) new qualification.

T–levels - These new courses are equivalent to 3 A levels. They are 2-year courses, developed in collaboration with employers and businesses so that the content meets the needs of industry and prepares students for work, further training or study.  T Levels offer students a mixture of classroom learning and ‘on-the-job’ experience during an industry placement of at least 315 hours (approximately 45 days).

Here are just some of the subjects which are/will be available:

  • accounting
  • animal care and management
  • building services engineering for construction (starting September 2021)
  • catering
  • design and development for engineering and manufacturing
  • digital production, design and development (now available)
  • education and childcare (now available)
  • hair, beauty and aesthetics
  • health (starting September 2021)
  • legal
  • management and administration
  • engineering, manufacturing, processing and control
  • media, broadcast and production

Most local colleges are offering these so take a look and see if they are for you!


Week beginning 7th December

It’s good to see that some of you are getting involved in these career terms!  Well done to Lauren , Year 7, who contacted me to describe how she had used her teamwork, creativity and communication skills this week, with real examples.  This will really help as she progresses through school as when she applies to college or for a job, she will have a wealth of examples to draw upon.  

This week’s term is: 

Enterprise  - A project, a willingness to take on a new project or business venture. An example of an enterprise is a new start-up business.

 A group of Year 10 pupils are just about to do this as part of the Young Enterprise Company Programme so keep an eye open for their emerging companies as I’m sure they will be advertising their products or services very soon.

Still not sure what I mean?  Ever watched Dragon’s Den?

Do you have a fabulous idea for your own business?  Let me know please.


Week beginning 23rd November

 This week’s term is going to give you all something to think about.
Qualities - A characteristic that you may need for certain jobs.
Some examples of qualities linked to jobs are:

Police officer:

Attention to detail


What are your qualities? Not sure?  Ask a friend or family member.  You could also try doing the Buzz Quiz which will help you explored your qualities and personality type.  See how many Lions, Eagles or Clownfish there are in your form.  Just Google BUZZ QUIZ.

Have fun discovering your qualities!


Week beginning 23rd November

 This week’s term is important for everyone.

EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS: A group of essential abilities that involve the development of a knowledge base, expertise level and mind-set that is increasingly necessary for success in the modern workplace.

 Some examples are:

  • Communication
  • Problem Solving
  • Team Work
  • Leadership
  • Creativity

You might think it is only for Year 11s when they are applying for college or an apprenticeship? NO! You should ALL be developing your employability skills all the time.

Why not choose 2 of the above and see if you can demonstrate those skills this week? Maybe your form can choose one a week to try out?

 Let me know what you achieve.


Week beginning 16th November

 In a new departure, each week I will be sharing with you a careers-related key term. As you progress through your learning journey at St James’s, you will become increasingly aware of the importance of these words and phrases, so please take time to familiarise yourself with them and maybe share them at home or ask family and friends about them?

To start off, in support of Anti-Bullying week, we have:

EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES: The same opportunities for all irrespective of race, gender, age, disability, culture, sexual orientation, or marital status.

See if you can use this term this week.


  • TTLP