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Uniform Guidance


 Please click here for a full uniform list
Please click here for our Uniform Policy 

Uniform Stockists are:

Smart Clothing 
Ziggy's Schoolwear -Farnworth 

Second-hand uniform is available from school. Please contact office@st-james.bolton.sc.uk for further information


All shoes (no trainers) must be black (including soles) and have no markings on them at all. We will not accept any form of sports shoe/trainer e.g. Nike Presto, Adidas Gazelle etc.   We have provided a link with examples of shoes that are not acceptable to assist you.

Examples of Shoes that are not acceptable 


  • All clothing needs to be clearly labelled with the child’s name
  • Blazers must be worn at all times
  • Coats must not be worn inside school
  • Trainers can only be worn for PE activities
  •  A wristwatch is the only permitted jewellery allowed to be worn in school.
  • No earrings, metal or clear should be worn in school as they are a health & safety risk
  • Girls hair accessories should be plain navy blue or black.
  •  Haircuts, styles must be neat and not extreme. Shaved lines in hair and eyebrows are not permitted.
  • Hair colours must be within the natural range e.g. pink, green, blue and bright red etc. are not permitted. Hair should be 'natural looking.' Thick blocks, stripes and extreme colour contrasts are not permitted.
  • Makeup, fake eyelashes, fake nails (including those with a natural finish) and nail varnish must not be worn.
  • No form of body piercing is permitted including nose, eyebrows and tongue.
  • Ears may be pierced but earrings must not be worn under any circumstances.
  • We strongly advise pupils not to wear designer clothing, coats or shoes as we cannot accept responsibility should any items go missing.
  • Mobile phones must not be seen, heard or switched on during the school day. Urgent messages can be passed on via the school office or through the year leader.
  • School cannot accept responsibility for any expensive items e.g. electronic devices. Such items, along with mobile phones, if seen or heard, will be confiscated by staff and. On the first and second occasion, the phone will be confiscated for 24 hours and collected by the student. On the third occasion, the phone will be confiscated for 24 hours but collected by a parent/carer.
  • If pupils are seen using wearable technology e.g. iwatches/wireless headphones they will be confiscated.
  • TTLP