Starting School
Term starts on Tuesday 6th September 2022. You need to arrive at school for 8.40am and make your way to the main school entrance where the Year 7 Leader and Form Tutors will meet you and show you to the school Hall.
After a brief assembly, you will spend the rest of the morning with your form and form tutor. Some time will be spent looking at your timetable and discussing how to use your planner which your form tutor will give to you.
You will be taken on a tour of the school to help you find your way around.
Lunch will be around 12.30pm. Lessons will begin after lunch.
Use this to help you get organised for your first day!
- Your new uniform is ready
- Your bag is packed with your equipment ready for your first lesson including your Purple Pen
- Your P.E. kit is ready for later in the week. You will not need it on the first day
- Everything is labelled with your name
- You have your sandwiches or your online canteen account has been topped up
- You have bus fare if you need it and you know your travel arrangements
- Have an early night so that you are ready for your new experience