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School Council

 Your Voice – Your Choice!

At St James’s we value everyone’s opinion; and that includes pupils! We believe that through Pupil Voice, you can make a real contribution to the development of our school. Last year, the School Council consisted of over 100 dynamic and dedicated pupils who made a significant difference to the school; from making decisions about our new ‘B’ block to completing surveys and telling us what they think about lessons and homework. Ultimately the School Council helps to make things at St. James’s even better! 

Every pupil has the opportunity to join the school council at the start of each academic year during a whole-school election. Everyone who is interested in taking part runs an election campaign. Their form then take part in a democratic vote and two pupils from every form are elected. Following the elections, a training session will ensure that pupils learn about the different roles and responsibilities on the Council, how to run an effective meeting, manage a budget and work effectively as a team. 

Meetings take place on a monthly basis in the Headteacher’s office During the meetings, progress is discussed and new suggestions are put forward. With the support of staff, the sensible ideas are put into practice.  Following meetings, the School Council feedback progress to other pupils through form time and assemblies. All pupils throughout the school then have the opportunity to contribute new suggestions and ideas and give feedback on the progress made; either through discussion and debate or through school council questionnaires.

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