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Employer Information

Here at St James’s CE High School we really appreciate all the support employers give to the school and our students throughout their education. 

This may be by taking on a student for their work experience, giving them an invaluable insight into the world of work and the day to day tasks and responsibilities required in the work place but also improving their employability skills and confidence.  They also open their doors for work place visits or come into school to speak to students in assemblies, workshops and give aspirational talks, engaging them in what it is like to work in their sector, the skills and qualities required and what they need to do to prepare for work. Employers may also link with our curriculum staff to show young people how their education is relevant to the world of work in different subject areas. 

If you feel you or someone in your company could spare even an hour of your time to support our pupils with their career choices, please complete our Expression of interest form here.

To see our policy statement on provider access please see our policy

There is also a helpful guide for employers to support careers and enterprise activities in schools. Click here




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