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GSO Test


VESPA (Vision, Effort, Systems, Practice and Attitude)

The system identifies 5 skills that are at the heart of non-cognitive development and research has found that the most successful students have shown these qualities. Through extensive research the top habits of high performing students were established. Through form time activities, assemblies, 1-1 VESPA mentoring and curriculum planning, students will gain opportunities to develop their best habits and go beyond their potential. 

VISION- Do you know what you want to achieve?

EFFORT- Do you work hard and take part in proactive independent study?

SYSTEMS- Have you organised your learning resources and time at home?

PRACTICE- Do you use a deliberate 3 step practice process?

ATTITUDE- Do you have a growth mindset and respond constructively to setbacks? 

“While cognitive ability reflects what an individual can do, it is non-cognitive factors that reflect what an individual will do.” McGeown et al. 

"It's not rocket science, but it's still surprisingly rare - students who are deliberately trained to set good targets for themselves, not be afraid of hard work, be well organised and methodical, and have effective and varied study-habits, do better in their exams. And they are better prepared for learning beyond school. The GCSE Mindset tells us that even in the GCSE years it is not too late, or too difficult, to work on these habits. And it shows how busy teachers can do it - and get better results than ever." Professor Guy Claxton, author of "The Learning Power Approach: Teaching Learners to Teach Themselves."

Access the VESPA Website and Questionnaire

Vespa Website

Vespa Questionnaire Link - Please note the establishment code is STJAM2020 and then enter your personal access code.

VESPA Documents

Vespa Mentoring Booklet

  • TTLP