Extra-Curricular Activities
We have a wide and varied range of Extra Curricular Activities on offer - full details of all activities available during the Autumn Term are in the Booklet below. Please ensure you carefully read the time, date, venue and teacher leading the club. If you have any questions, please speak to the teacher leading the club in the first instance.
Extra Curricular Activities
Extra Curricular Activities Booklet - Updated January 2025
Physical Education (PE)
- Breakfast, Lunchtime and After School Clubs
- Social Sport
- Specialist Coaching for many activities including cricket, dance and trampolining
- Local and National Competitions - St James's is represented in a range of sports in every competition held in Bolton, as a consequence many pupils are selected for town, county and occasionally national teams.
Extra Curricular Opportunities in Drama
- Lower School Drama Club
- SPIRIT Theatre Company
- Annual school production
- Visiting practitioners from the Bolton Octagon
- Trips to regional and national theatres
- Backstage theatre tours
- Trips to local sixth form colleges
- Theatre in Education workshops and performances in school
- Half term and weekend rehearsals
- Bi-annual London and New York theatre trips
- School Orchastra
- Lower School Choir
- Senior Singers
- Strings
- Visits to Concerts
- Residential Weekends
Other clubs/activities on offer
- Chess Club
- Chaplaincy Activities
- Theatre Make-up Club
- Computer-Aided-Design
- Animal Club
- Geology
- Science Clubs
- Film Club
- Art Club
Vend-a-Spend is a team of pupils from all Year Groups which set up and run the School Shop.
They stock a wide range of stationery, handmade cards, gifts and Fair Trade products.
In addition, they hold regular events to celebrate special occasions.
For more information please contact Miss Stott on stotta@st-james.bolton.sch.uk