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BTEC Enterprise at St James's

This course is equal to 1 GCSE. It is a brand new subject and will cover topics not covered in key stage 3. It is suitable for pupils with excellent written English skills. There will be 2 Exams and 1 piece of Controlled Assessment.


In BTEC Enterprise you will learn about:

Exploring Enterprises: Investigate characteristics of enterprises and skills needed by entrepreneurs to be successful; how market research helps enterprises find out about their customer needs and competitor behaviour; and investigate how internal and external factors may affect enterprises.

Micro-enterprise: Generate two realistic ideas for a micro-enterprise and choose one to plan within budget then individually present the plan for the idea and review the production and delivery of your presentation and recommend improvements.

Promotion and financial records: Explore how marketing is used by enterprises and factors that influence target markets; complete financial documents and explore how to use them to improve the performance of an enterprise to make decisions and recommend strategies for success.



  • Component 1: Controlled Assessment worth 30%; called ‘Exploring Enterprises.
  • Component 2: Controlled Assessment worth 30%; called ‘Planning and Presenting a Micro-Enterprise Idea’

Component 3: Examination of 2 hours in length, worth 40%; called ‘Marketing and Finance for Enterprise’.


Please click below to view what you will study in BTEC Enterprise


Curriculum Map

  • TTLP