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Careers Lead and Contacts

Careers Contacts

The Careers Lead at St James’s CE High School is Mrs L Quarmby, Assistant Head Teacher. 

Any provider wishing to request access or discuss possible ways they can support our students with their careers education are welcome to contact the school directly. This can include supporting our events in school such as Mock interviews and Careers Fairs or in the work place such as Work Experience and Work place visits while informing students of local opportunities. Please read our Provider Access Policy statement for more information, which can be found on the Employer Information page, along with an Expression of interest form.

To discuss further please contact either: 

Mrs L Quarmby, Email: quarmbyl@st-james.bolton.sch.uk


Mrs D Bleasdale, our Careers Coordinator,  Email: bleasdaled@st-james.bolton.sch.uk


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