Careers - Information for Parents
Our Programme
St James’s aims to provide a programme of activities designed to help individuals to develop an understanding of their needs and recognise their own values, attitudes, skills and interests, thereby contributing to the school’s stated aims of raising achievement and increasing personal responsibility. The programme is delivered through a specialist team approach with the involvement of teachers, support staff, parents and local employers where appropriate. It will help to facilitate pupils’ decision-making and help them to be confident in their transitions from school to the adult world.
We measure and assess the impact of our careers programme using the Gatsby Benchmarks and the Compass+ tool, alongside our own internal evaluations which gather opinions of pupils, providers, staff and parents. The Senior Leadership Team and Board of Governors support the programme and we have a dedicated Governor to support the Careers Coordinator.
Please see our CEIAG programme, which can change and will be updated regularly
This shows how students progress in their career pathway through St James’s.
St James's Career Journey
Gatsby Benchmark
CEIAG is an important and distinctive element of the whole curriculum, relating to all key stages and areas of learning and experiences. We feel confident that we work within the guidelines of the eight Gatsby Benchmarks.
Gatsby Benchmark
Gatsby Benchmark Assessment
Information for Parents
As a parent or carer, you have a leading role when your child is making decisions about their career. Talking to your child about careers is important. Not only when they are making big decisions, such as subject choices and what to do when they leave school, but also throughout their school lives and beyond. It is important to be prepared and feel confident when they come to you for advice. Below is a selection of useful information and links to websites to support you in assisting your child with their future career choices.
Career Mag for Parents -
To support your child looking at Higher Education
Year 10 Mock Interview Information
Careers Newsletter Autumn 2024
Parents guide to apprenticeships
Link to video
To support your child in pursuing an apprenticeship
Parent Information Pack - April 2024
There will be a workshop in March in school as part of National Apprenticeships Week which will give pupils useful information about applying for a apprenticeship.
Greater Manchester Apprenticeship & Careers Service
Apprenticeships: Hints and Tips
College/Sixth Form Information
Local college/sixth form details
Post 16 Pathways
College open events
College virtual tours
Useful Websites
Other useful websites for parents/carers:
Please also browse our other pages in or Students Careers section for further specific information and access the daily school bulletin which has up to date information and opportunities.
Careers Lead and Contacts
The Careers Lead at St James’s CE High School is Mrs C Anderson, Head Teacher.
Any provider wishing to request access or discuss possible ways they can support our students with their careers education are welcome to contact the school directly. This can include supporting our events in school such as Mock interviews and Careers Fairs or in the work place such as Work Experience and Work place visits while informing students of local opportunities. Please read our Provider Access Policy statement for more information, which can be found on the Employer Information page, along with an Expression of interest form.
To discuss further please contact:
Mrs D Bleasdale, our Careers Coordinator, Email:
01204 333000