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Industry Specific Resources

Take time to browse the websites below to help you in your career decision-making.

General resources

BBC Bitesize Careers
BuzzQuiz: Personality Test
Career Pilot: Career Planning & Information
Explore Careers   Department for Education website
icould: videos and case studies of different occupations
National Careers Service
Speakers for Schools Virtual talks on careers
Barclays Life Skills: Money, Wellbeing & Employability
Enneagram Personality Test 

Admin, business and finance

National Careers Service
Youth Employment UK
Target Careers in finance
Banking Accountancy and finance
'How to get into investment banking' guide
'How to become an accountant' guide
'How to become a property manager' guide

 Animal Care

British Veterinary Association
Myerscough College

 Catering and hospitality

National Careers Service
BBC Bitesize 

Computing and IT

Planit Plus careers
National Careers Service


Go Construct Find a construction role suitable for you
WOW Show: Construction special
National Careers Service –
Construction and trades
'How to become a Construction Manager' guide 


Discover Creative Careers         
BBC Bitesize Creativity & Innovation 
Screen Skills Job Profiles     

  Education and training

Youth Employment UK – Childcare and education roles

 Engineering & Manufacturing 

This is Engineering       
Engineering Construction Industry Training Board  
Young Engineers 
Youtube Channel
British Aerospace

 Hair and beauty

 Hair and beauty career guide
Jobs in hair and beauty

 Health & Social Care 

Health & NHS Careers           
Health Education England: Cradle to Grave services 
Chartered Society of Physiotherapy 
Social work
Caring professions

 Legal and political

The Law Society
UK Parliament
'How to become a criminal solicitor' guide


 Leisure, sport and tourism

National Careers Service
My world of work

 Performing arts

BBC Bitesize


National Careers Service
Target Careers

 Uniformed Services

Air Force
Royal Navy
Fire Service 

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