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CEIAG Policy

St James’s aims to provide a programme of activities designed to help individuals to develop an understanding of their needs and recognise their own values, attitudes, skills and interests, thereby contributing to the school’s stated aims of raising achievement and increasing personal responsibility. The programme is delivered through a specialist team approach with the involvement of teachers, support staff, parents and local employers where appropriate. It will help to facilitate pupils’ decision-making and help them to be confident in their transitions from school to the adult world.

Policy document

Gatsby Benchmarks

CEIAG is an important and distinctive element of the whole curriculum, relating to all key stages and areas of learning and experiences. We feel confident that we work within the guidelines of the eight Gatsby Benchmarks.

Gatsby Benchmark

Our programme

 Please see our CEIAG programme, which can change and will be updated regularly

 This shows how pupils progress in their career pathway through St James’s.
St James's Career Journey








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